This page helps you check the activity logs of all the incidents occurred on the server.
You can select the number of days, either 7 or 15, for which the activities are generated. By default, you can view logs of the last seven days. You can also select Custom option and then select the start and end dates for the activity logs.
To export complete activity log, click CSV button. ActivityLog.csv file is downloaded.
All the actions taken by Control Center admin about SSR are maintained in the Activity log. The onboarding approval or rejection, or removal is listed in the activity log.
After a successful onboarding, if you change the license allocation, or make changes in policy, or change the SSR name. these actions are also logged. It also logs the user logging in via SSO.
You can select the number of days, either seven or 15, for which the activities are generated. By default, you can view logs of the last seven days.
You can also select Custom option and then select the start and end dates for the activity logs.
The activity log is maintained for 90 days.
Activity log provides the details on:
- Date and time of activity
- User who performed the activity
- Action on
- Details of activity done