Onboarding to Control Center

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Onboarding Steps after Configuring SSR

Follow these steps to onboard the site server from the site server console.

  1. On the SSR console, go to Configurations > Onboarding to Control Center.
  2. Enter the Control Center Host Name/IP Address of the Control Center server to which this site server needs to be connected.
  3. Enter the Control Center Port number.
  4. Click Send Onboarding Request to continue.

The request goes to the Control Center server. An alert is displayed on the Control Center dashboard requesting to approve the onboarding request[ . Wait for the approval. Once approved, then the SSR details are reflected in the site server list on the Control Center console and on the Configurations > Onboarding to Control Center page of the SSR.

While the request is sent from the SSR, it shows Pending for Approval with the following details on the Onboarding to Control Center page of the SSR console.

Pending onboarding with Control Center:

· Control Center IP

· Port Number

· Request sent on date and time

Once approved, it shows Successful Onboarding message with these details:

· Control Center IP

· Port Number

· Onboarded on Date and Time

Last Connected Date and Time

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