Collect Logs

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Collecting Logs from Endpoints via Console

This client action allows administrators to initiate a log collection process from the EPP Server Console. When this action is triggered, the client receives a request to gather all relevant logs. Once the logs are collected, they are sent back to the EPP Server Console for review and troubleshooting. This process ensures that administrators have access to the necessary diagnostic information to troubleshoot and manage client systems effectively.

To collect logs from an endpoint, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Status Page in the EPP Console.
  2. Select the specific endpoint from which you want to collect logs.
  3. From the Client Action dropdown menu, choose the Collect Logs command and submit.
  4. A prompt will appear indicating that the log collection process has started. The time required for completion depends on the log size and available bandwidth. Total size of the log upload folder should not exceed 750 MB.

    Log Collection Guidelines

    1. Endpoint Selection: Only one endpoint can be selected for log collection at any given time.
    2. Compliant Client Versions: The "Collect Log" action is applicable only to compliant client versions.
    3. File Size and Folder Size Limitations:
      • Windows:
        • Each file within the log upload folder should not exceed 50 MB.
      • macOS:
        • No size limitation on individual files within the log upload folder.
      • Linux:
        • Each file within the log upload folder should not exceed 100 MB.
  5. Monitor the Message and Action Status columns for the selected endpoint. Initially, the Action Status will show as queued. Once the logs are available, it will update to success.
  6. After a successful log upload, a download link will appear on the endpoint status page. You can use this link to download the logs. Download the logs promptly, as the link will expire after 24 hours, and you may lose access to the logs.

    If you perform the log collection action more than once within 24 hours, the previously collected logs will be overwritten.

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