
The Dashboard shows following Graphs:

Affected Endpoints

The Affected Endpoints Graph displays the number of affected endpoints for the selected period, either one week, or one month. By default, the period is one months.
The graph is clickable. On clicking, a user navigates to the Incident List Page. The page displays the list of affected endpoints for the period selected over the graph.

Average Incidents Rate

The Average Incidents Rate Graph shows the Incident Rate over a period of one week or one month for the incoming and closed incidents. For the incoming incidents the creation time is considered and the closed time for the closed incidents.

For one month selection, the graph shows the last four weeks (28 days) incidents created and closed per week, starting from the day before the current date.

For one week selection, the graph shows the last seven days incidents created and closed per day, starting from the day before the current day.

The following filters are available on the graph,

Filter Values
Severity All, Critical, High, Medium, and Low
Incident Types Unknown, Phishing, Malware, MITM, Insider Threat, Privilege Escalation. Web Application Attack, Anomaly Detection, APT

Mean Time to Detect

The Mean Time to Detect is the duration from an incident created time to an incident remediate time.
This graph shows the data for the last month for the critical, high, medium, and low-severity incidents.
The following filter is available on the graph,

Filter Values
Incident Types Unknown, Phishing, Malware, MITM, Insider Threat, Privilege Escalation. Web Application Attack, Anomaly Detection, APT

Mean Time to Respond

The Mean Time to Respond is the duration from an incident created time to an incident closed time.
This graph shows the data for the last month for the critical, high, medium, and low-severity incidents.
The following filter is available on the graph,

Filter Values
Incident Types Unknown, Phishing, Malware, MITM, Insider Threat, Privilege Escalation. Web Application Attack, Anomaly Detection, APT

Mean Time to Remediate

The Mean Time to Remediate is the duration from an incident created time to an incident investigate time.
This graph shows the data for the last month for the critical, high, medium, and low-severity incidents.
The following filter is available on the graph,

Filter Values
Incident Types Unknown, Phishing, Malware, MITM, Insider Threat, Privilege Escalation. Web Application Attack, Anomaly Detection, APT

Analyst Allocation by Incident Types

The Analyst Allocation by Incident Types Bar Graph shows top five incident type bars based on the highest number of analysts allocated.
For Example, For the last week n number of incidents are allocated to 35 analysts then the graph bar height is shown as 35 and on hover it shows ‘Phishing | Analysts:35’.

The period selection of one week, and one month is available.

Average Late Incidents

The Late Incidents are the incidents that are closed late.

ROI – Rate of Interest

The computation of the ROI is based on the duration from an incident creation time to an incident remediate time.
On automatic closing of the incident the ROI is 100%.
On manual closing of the incident the ROI computation is based on the formula.

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