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Notifications are the communications generated from the Seqrite agents installed on the mobile devices and sent to the administrator.

The administrator can view the notifications by clicking the notification icons available on the upper right-hand side available next to the admin user profile. If there are new and unread notifications, this is indicated by the count on the notification icon.

Viewing notifications

You can view the notifications in the following ways.

Click the notification link: When you click the notification link from any of the notification icons, the notification page for the relevant notifications appears. The notification table shows the following information.

Columns Description
Notified on Shows when the notification was received.
Notification details Shows the details of the notification.
Action Delete is the available action for all the individual notifications. After taking an action to a notification, the administrator can delete the notification.

On the notification table, click the notification that you want to check in details. In some cases, you may need to take an action to resolve the issues. You may also remove the notifications if you do not need them in future.

Search by browsing: On the main page of notifications, you can change the options for your search such as Enrollment Notification, Alert Notification, Info Notification, App Request Notification, and Workspace Notification, and their respective types.

Search by keywords: If the list of notifications is long and you are familiar with the type of notifications, you can search the notifications of your interest by entering the relevant keywords on the search text box.

Viewing notifications

To view a notification, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite EMM console and click any of the notification icons.
  2. The relevant notification page appears.

    If required, you can take an action.

    You can also change your search options to view notification for other reasons.

  3. To change your search option, select either of the following notification types on the notification page.

    • Enrollment Notification and its sub-types Enrollment Notification, Agent Vulnerable Notification, Accessibility Permission Revoked.
    • Alert Notification and its sub-types Scan Report, Non-compliant Report, App Upgrade Failure Notification.
    • Info Notification and its sub-types Import Notification, Fence Notification, Battery Notification, Messages from Seqrite, Log Notification.
    • App Request Notification
    • Workspace Notification
  4. Select the period for which you want to view the notifications.
  5. Click Search.

    The search result is displayed.

The Report Type option is available only on the Device Notifications page.

Search for Notifications

Search option is available for all notifications that allows you to search the notifications of your interest.

Searching notifications

To search the notifications using advanced search option, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite EMM console and click any of the notifications icon.
  2. In the notifications dialog box, click View all Notifications.
  3. On the Notifications page, select the following search parameters.

    Notifications can be searched using the following parameters:

  • Select Notification Type: Select one of the following notifications: Enrollment Notification, Alert Notification, Info Notification, App Request Notification, and Secure Workspace Notifications.
  • Select Report Type: Depending on the selected notification type, the report type list is displayed. Select the required report type.
  • Select limit from: Select the period for which the notifications are required such as Today, Last 7 days, and Last 15 days.

    The Report Type option is available only on the Device Notifications page.
  1. Click Search to view the results related to the selected search criteria.

    The search result is displayed.

Taking an action on Notifications

Take Action is an option that helps you take an appropriate action on the notifications. This option is available for all notifications.

For notification, you have one action that is you can delete a notification. Make sure you do not need the notifications that you delete.

Deleting a notification

To delete a notification, follow these steps:

  1. When you are on the notification page, select a notification.

    The Take Action list appears.

  2. Select Delete and the click Submit.

This chapter includes the following sections:

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