Broadcasting Files and Messages to Multiple Groups

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When you want to broadcast the messages or files to the larger audience, you can use single or multiple groups to send the messages. This will help to communicate with larger audience with ease.

Actions for Group or Individual Mobile Devices

Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management has the ability to send messages, files and notifications in bulk or individually, to a group of devices or a specific device. This is done through manual actions by locating the group or mobile device.

To broadcast files or message to multiple devices using groups, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite EMM console and in the left pane, click Groups.
    Select all groups check box.
  2. In Take Action list, click Broadcast Files(s) / Messages and then click Submit. Broadcast Files(s) / Messages command will be executed only on the supported devices.
  3. On the confirmation dialog box, click OK.
  4. In Message field, enter the message or file URL. You can enter comma-separated multiple URLs.
  5. In Broadcast Type list, select the required option.
  6. In Download Path field, enter the valid download path or the file will not be downloaded.
  7. Click Broadcast.
  8. On the confirmation popup, click OK. To check the status of the devices, refresh the page.
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