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Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management offers different types of notifications, which are received and displayed on the upper-right section of the title bar. Notifications inform you about all the actions taken on the Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management account and device status. The number on the Notification icon shows the count of newly received notifications.

Notifications dialog box

As you click any notification icon, a notification dialog box appears. The notification dialog box shows few of the newly received notifications with the description and date and time when the notification was received.

The notifications dialog box shows the following options:

Options Description
View all notifications This option when clicked, navigates you to that specific notifications list page where all the notifications are displayed.
Clear all With this option, all the notifications from the notification dialog box are cleared.
Mark as read (multiplication sign) When the multiplication sign is clicked, that notification is marked as read and is removed from the notification dialog box. All the notifications Marked as read are added to the notifications list page.

Notifications List Page

When you click the View all Notifications link on notifications dialog box, you are directed to the notifications list page. Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management have different types of notifications and the list page format for all the types of notification is similar. The Notifications list page shows all the available notifications for the specific type of notification. The notifications table shows the following information about the specific notification type:

Columns Description
Notified on Shows when the notification was received.
Notification details Shows the details of the notification.
Action Delete is the available action for all the individual notifications.

Advanced Search for Notifications

Advanced Search option is available on all the notifications page, which allows you to search the notifications.

Searching notifications

To search the notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite EMM console and click any of the notifications icon.
  2. In the notifications dialog box, click View all Notifications.
  3. On the Notifications page, click Advanced Search.
    Notifications can be searched using the following parameters:

    • Select limit from: Select the limit to view the notifications for a particular period. The available options are Today, Since Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 3 months, Last 6 months, and Last 1 year.
    • Select Notification Type: Search by selecting the type of notifications such as Enrollment Notification, Report Notification, Info Notification, App Request Notification, and Secure Workspace Notifications.
    • Select Report Type: Depending on the selected notification type, select report type list is displayed. Select the required report type.
      Note: The Report Type option is available only on the Device Notifications page.
  4. Click Search to view the results related to the selected search criteria. The search result is displayed.

Tak Action Options for Notifications

All the types of Notifications list pages show the Take Action option. This option is visible when you select single or multiple notifications. The available option in the Take Option list is:

  • Delete: Helps to delete single or multiple selected notifications.

Using Take Action option for notifications

To use the take action option for notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite EMM console and click any of the notifications icon.
  2. In the notification dialog box, click View all Notifications. Notifications list page is displayed.
  3. Select a single or multiple notifications check boxes which are to be deleted. The Take Action option is displayed.
  4. From the Take Action list, select Delete and then click Submit. The selected action is carried out on single or multiple selected notifications.

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