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The Devices option is the most significant module of the Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management console. You can perform the following actions on the devices:

  • Add a new mobile device, assign ownership, and assign owner and group to the device.
  • View and edit the device information.
  • Send an enrollment request and perform the required actions on the device.
  • Apply or edit configurations and apply other security settings on the device.
  • Trace the location of the device and view a list of the applications that were installed on the device.
  • View and manage the apps.
  • View the activity report of the device.
  • Monitor the network data usage and view the calls and SMS report.

Device status

In Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management, devices play a vital role. Each device in Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management database shows a device status. All the statuses are represented by symbols. The mouse hover over the symbol shows the device status tooltip.

Different device statuses include:

  • Idle: Device is added to the Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management console, but the enrollment request has not been sent to the device.
  • Pending: Device added, however enrollment pending.
  • Approval Pending: Device has requested the server for approval.
  • Enrolled: Device is approved by the server.
  • Disapproved: Server has not granted permission for the device enrollment.
  • Uninstalled devices: Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management has been removed from the device.
  • Disconnected: Administrator has disconnected the device.

Advanced search for devices

To search devices with advanced search option, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to Seqrite EMM console and in the left pane, click Devices.
  2. On the Devices list page, click Advanced Search.

    The search options for compliance status, device status, and groups appear.

  3. Select one of the following compliance statuses:
    • Policy Non-Complaint
    • Configuration Non-Complaint
    • App Non-Complaint
    • Launcher Non-Complaint
    • Agent Unauthorized Removal
    • Device Fully Complaint
    • Agent Vulnerability
  4. Select one of the following the device status:
    • Idle
    • Pending
    • Approval Pending
    • Approved
    • Disapproved
    • Uninstalled
  5. Click Select Groups and from the Select Groups list, select a group as required.
  6. To view the result, click Search.
    • Modify: Helps you to modify the search options. When you click the Modify option, the selected search categories appear. You can change your search category options as required.
    • Reset: Helps to remove the selected search options and make the search again.

Devices List Page

The Devices list page shows all the available devices on Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management console. On the Devices list page, you can select maximum of 10 columns only. The system does not allow you to select more than 10 columns.

To search any device with respect to any criteria, make sure the criteria-related column is available in the table.

The table below displays the information of the devices as follows:

Note: You can select only eight (8) columns at a time from the Filter column list.

Columns Description
Id Displays the Id of the device.
Workspace Status Shows the status of the Workspace application.
Owner Shows the name of the device owner.
Group Shows the group name assigned to the device.
Enroll Date Shows the device enrollment date and time.
Last Sync Shows the date and time when the device last synced with Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management console.
Agent Version Shows the version of Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management
Manufacturer Shows the name of the device manufacturer.
Model Shows the name of the device model.
IMEI Shows the IMEI number of the devices and is beneficial to search the device with IMEI number.
Enroll Type Shows the type of device enrollment such as Knox, Normal, Supervised or ADO.
OS Version Shows the OS version of the device.
Workspace Version Shows the version of Workspace application running on the device.

Take Action Options on Devices List Page

The Take Action list appears on the Devices list page when you select single or multiple devices. The available options in the Take Option list are:

  • Enrollment Request: Allows you to send enrollment request using email or an SMS.
  • Uninstall Device Management: Allows you to send uninstall command to the devices.
  • Delete: Allows you to delete multiple selected devices from the Seqrite Enterprise Mobility Management server.
  • Export CSV: Allows you to export the details of multiple selected devices in the CSV or PDF format.
  • Send Messages / Files: Allows you to send messages and files to the devices
  • Push File on Device: Allows you to send a file on the device
  • Move to group: Allows you to move the selected devices to the selected groups.
  • Workspace actions: Allows you to perform action on Workspace of multiple selected devices. The workspace action includes Sync Workspace, Push Workspace Policy, Push Workspace Profile, Uninstall Workspace, and Push File into Workspace.
  • Device actions: Allows you to perform device actions on multiple selected devices. The device actions include Approve, Sync, Locate, Trace On, Trace Off, Scan, Broadcast Files(s) / Message, Call/SMS Monitoring ON, Call/SMS Monitoring OFF, and Uninstall. To know more about device actions, see the Device Actions table below.
  1. Select the required Take Action option and its sub-options (if any) and click Submit.

After you execute the device actions on the device, the status of the action can be viewed on the Action Details page. To know more about the device actions page, see Action Details.

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