This feature allows you to customize the protection rules for receiving emails from various sources. You can set rules for blocking spam, phishing, and virus infected emails.
To configure policy for Email Settings, follow these steps:
- Create Container/feature policy for Email Settings.
- On the Feature Policy page, you can see the following list of settings with expand sign and toggle button. Expand and Enable settings that you want to configure.
- Email Protection
- Trusted Email Client Protection
- Spam Protection
- To save your settings, click Save Policy.
Importantly, if you have customized the settings and later you want to revert to the default settings, you can do so by clicking the Reset Default button.
Email Protection
With this feature, you can apply the protection rules to all incoming emails. These rules include blocking infected attachments (malware, spam, and viruses) in the emails.
This feature is turned on by default which provides the optimal protection to the mailbox from malicious emails. We recommend that you always keep Email Protection turned on to ensure email protection. Once the feature is enabled, all the incoming emails will be scanned before they are sent to the Inbox.
- The Block attachments with multiple extensions check box is selected by default. This option helps you block attachment in emails with multiple extensions. Worms commonly use multiple extensions which you can block using this feature.
- The Block emails crafted to exploit vulnerability check box is selected by default. This option helps you block emails whose sole purpose is to exploit vulnerabilities of mail clients. Emails such as MIME, IFRAME contain vulnerability.
- The Enable attachment control option helps you block email attachments with specific extensions or all extensions. If you select this option, the following options are enabled:
- Block all attachments: Helps you block all types of attachments in emails.
- Block user specified attachments: Helps you block email attachments with certain extensions. If you select this option, the Configure button is activated. For further settings, click Configure and set the following options:
- In the User Specified Extensions dialog, select the extensions so that the email attachments with such extensions are blocked.
- If certain extensions are not in the list that you want to block, type such extensions in the Enter Extension text box and then click Add to add them in the list.
- Click OK to save changes.
- Select the Enable Email scanning over SSL check box to enable incoming mail scanning for mail accounts configured over SSL. Ensure that you perform the procedure mentioned below to import the certificate for the mail client that you are using. This feature is available only in the clients with Microsoft Windows operating system.
- In the Configure Ports for Email Scan section, do the following:
- Enter POP3 and IMAP ports for incoming mails.
- Enter POP3 and IMAP ports for incoming mails over SSL.
- Enter SMTP port and SMTP port (SSL) port for outgoing mails.
The Email Protection feature is available only in the clients with Microsoft Windows and Mac operating systems. SSL connections not supported on Mac:
Email Protection does not support encrypted email connections that use Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL). If SSL connections are being used, the emails are not protected by Email Protection.
Configuring Email Clients
For MS Outlook mail client, Seqrite Email Scanner certificate is imported automatically. No action required.
For your reference, procedure to import Seqrite Email Scanner certificate for Mozilla Thunderbird mail client is quoted here,
- Launch Thunderbird mail client.
- Select Options menu > Advanced > Certificates tab.
- Click View Certificates.
- In Certificate Manager dialog, select Authorities tab, click Import.
- Select Seqrite Email Scanner CA.der certificate from installation directorySeqrite.
- Click the Trust this CA to identify websites check box and click Ok.
- In Certificate Manager dialog, click Ok.
- In Options dialog, click Ok.
Similarly, for other mail clients, to import Seqrite Email Scanner certificate, refer their technical documentation.
Trusted Email Clients Protection
Since email happens to be the most widely used medium of communication, it is used as a convenient mode to deliver malware and other threats. Virus authors always look for new methods to automatically execute their viral codes using the vulnerabilities of popular email clients. Worms also use their own SMTP engine routine to spread their infection.
Trusted Email Clients Protection is an advanced option that authenticates email-sending application on the system before it sends the emails. This option prevents new worms from spreading further. It includes a default email client list that is allowed to send emails. Email clients in the default list includes Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, and Netscape Navigator.
Trusted Email Clients Protection supports most of the commonly used email clients such as; Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, and Netscape Navigator. If your email client is different from the ones mentioned, you can add such email clients in the trusted email client list.
The Trusted Email Clients Protection feature is available only in the clients with Windows operating systems.
Spam Protection
This feature allows you to differentiate genuine emails and filter out unwanted email such as; spam, phishing, and adult emails. We recommend you to always keep Spam Protection enabled. If you enable Spam Protection, the Spam Protection Level, White list, and Black list options are also activated.
Whitelist is the list of trusted email addresses. The content from the whitelisted email IDs is allowed to skip the spam protection filtering policy and is not tagged as SPAM.
This is helpful if you find that some genuine email IDs are detected as SPAM or if you have blacklisted a domain but want to receive emails from certain email addresses from that domain.
Blacklist is the list of email addresses from which all emails are filtered irrespective of their content. All the emails from the addresses listed here are tagged as "[SPAM] -".
This feature is useful particularly if your server uses an open mail relay, which is used to send and receive emails from unknown senders. This mailer system can be misused by spammers. With blacklist, you can filter incoming emails that you do not want or are from unknown senders both by email IDs and domains.
When you import multiple email addresses to whitelist/blacklist, the system allows to import a maximum of 300 email addresses per option for each selected policy.
Configuring Spam Protection
Under Spam protection level, set the protection level from the following:
- Soft: Applies soft filtering spam protection policy.
- Moderate: Ensures optimum filtering. It is always recommended to enable the moderate filtering. However, this is selected by default.
- Strict: Enforces strict filtering criteria. However, it is not ideal as it may even block genuine emails. Select strict filtering only if you receive too many junk emails.
- Select Enable white list to implement protection rules for whitelisted emails.
- In the Email ID text box, type an email address or a domain and then click Add. You can import email addresses or domains from text file using the Import button.
- Select Enable black list to implement the protection rules for blacklisted emails.
In the Email ID text box, type an email address or a domain and then click Add. You can import email addresses or domains from text file using the Import button.
• An email address should be in the format:
• A domain name should be in the format: *
• The same email ID cannot be entered in both blacklist and whitelist. - To save your settings, click Save Policy.