FAQ Networking

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  1. What is a Local Machine?

    => A Machine/system / Endpoint under observation on which the EPS Client Agent is installed and affected is the Local Machine.

  2. What is a Remote Machine?

    => When a “Local Machine“ interacts on network with any other Machine that may be (1) other Machine in the organization (2) Machine of a Vendor of the organization(3) A Server on the internet outside your organization which is used as a server or service for your application running on their “Local Machine“ is the Remote Machine.

  3. What is Inbound Traffic?

    => The network traffic travelling from “Remote Machine“ to “Local Machine“ is called Inbound traffic.

  4. What is Outbound Traffic?

    => The network traffic travelling from “Local Machine“ to “Remote Machine“ is called Outbound traffic.

  5. What is Local Port/IP?

    => The Port and IP that solely belong to the “Local Machine” is the Local Port/IP.

  6. What is Remote Port/IP?

    => The Port and IP that solely belong to the “Remote Machine” is the Remote Port/IP.

  7. What is Source Port/IP?

    => The following are two cases of the Source Port/IP,

    • For Inbound traffic: Source Port/IP will be Remote Port/IP
    • For Outbound traffic: Source Port/IP will be Local Port/IP
  8. What is Destination Port/IP?

    => The following are two cases of the Destination Port/IP,

    • For Inbound traffic: Destination Port/IP will be Local Port/IP
    • For Outbound traffic: Destination Port/IP will be Remote Port/IP
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