
Dummy text runs here.

Doughnut Charts

Feature Tab Description
Overall Incident Summary Severity Gives a doughnut chart that displays the Overall Incident Summary of total incidents as per Critical, High, medium, and Low Severity.
  Status Gives a doughnut chart that displays the Overall Incident Summary of total incidents as per New, Investigation, Remediation, and Closed Status.


Feature Tab Description
Incident Assignment



Critical, High, medium, Low


Gives a doughnut chart that displays the percentage of allocated incidents as per Total open incidents and Allocated incidents.


Feature Description
Top Incidents Displays the top incidents by Name, Type

Severity, Impact, and Assigned To.


Highest Loaded Analyst Displays the list of highest loaded analysts by Name and Incident Associated.


Venn diagram

Feature Description
Top Endpoints


Venn diagram representation of top endpoints for Critical, High, medium, and Low Severity.



Top Users


Venn diagram representation of top users for Critical, High, medium, and Low Severity.


Bar Graph

Bar Graph

Feature  Tab Description
MITRE Attack Metrics


  Information about MITRE attack Metrics gives a bar graph that displays the number of alerts against tactics. Hover above each graph to view no. of alerts and tactics.
Affected Endpoints & Users





Gives a bar graph that displays the count of affected endpoints as per the number of incidents over a 30-day period.
  User Gives a bar graph that displays the count of affected users as per the number of incidents over a 30-day period.

Downloading Consolidated report

Downloading Consolidated report

To download the HawkkHunt XDR Consolidated report in PDF format, click the Export button. The report will be downloaded immediately on the working machine.