Internet Settings

If you are using proxy settings to connect to the Internet, then provide the Proxy Server details.
To configure the Internet Settings, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite Endpoint Protection.
  2. Go to Configurations > Internet Settings.
  3. Select the Enable Proxy Settings check box.
  4. In the Proxy Server text box, type the IP Address of the proxy server or domain name (For example,
  5. In the Port text box, type the port number of the proxy server (For example: 80).
  6. Select the Authenticate to connect through Proxy check box. Username and Password fields are enabled.
  7. In the Username and Password text boxes, type in your proxy server credentials.
  8. Click Test Connection. The success message appears if the connection to the proxy server is successful.
  9. Click Apply.
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