MS Access helps you in Global Scheduling
Once MS Access is added as Data Source the scan triggers happen for the MS Access databases.
If there are multiple databases available on a single machine, the scans get completed per triggers.
You can view the records through the Data Summary Reports under Analytics.
Configuring MS Access as a Connector
- MS Access databases can be configured as a connector within the application.
- To configure an MS Access data source, ensure that an SDP agent is installed on the machine.
- The SDP agent detects the MS Access database and configures it for use within the application.
2. Global Scheduling for MS Access Scans
- Scanning of MS Access databases follows a global schedule.
- There is a single global scheduler that applies to all configured MS Access databases.
- The global scheduler interface remains the same as other database configurations, except for the connection details fields.
- Scan and rescan operations will be triggered based on the defined global schedule.
3. Monitoring Scan Status and Exploring Data
- The scan status of MS Access data sources can be viewed in the Scan Status section.
- Once the scan is complete, users can explore the scanned data in the Explore Data section.
4. Supported Databases with Similar Privileges
The following databases will have the same privileges as MySQL:
SAP Sybase