AWS Infrastructure


Select the AWS Infrastructure option, click Continue.


To proceed, select your organization type as per the guide provided, click I Agree.

On the Pre-requisites page, enter the following details.


  • Deployment Region
  • AWS Account ID
  • AWS Account Access Key ID
  • AWS Account Secret Access Key
  • After entering these details, click Submit.
  • Select an SSL certificate from the drop-down menu.
    Click Deploy.


It may take up to 10-15 minutes for successful deployment.


After the deployment is successful, a success message appears on the screen.

On that screen, click Continue to complete the DNS addition.

On the DNS Addition page, follow the instructions to add CNAME type record in your DNS host provider.

DNS Addition

After the DNS is propagated globally, click Verify to verify the CNAME record.
If the verification is successful, a success message appears. Click Finish to complete the process.

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