
The Status page displays the current status of all the endpoints of the selected group. The status includes the following information of the endpoint.

Column Name Description
Endpoint Name Displays the name of the endpoint.
IP Address Displays the IP address of the endpoint.
Endpoint Status Endpoint Status column provides information whether the endpoint is online, offline or roaming.
The status and meanings are as follows:
Online – Endpoint Status is Online when the client and Server communication happens in both ways.
Offline – Endpoint status is changed to offline according to set missed heartbeat count to turn endpoint offline. For more details,see Admin Settings.
Roaming – Endpoint Status is Roaming when the Roaming Service is assigned to the selected endpoint. For more details, See Roaming Service.
Disconnected – The status Disconnected means infected endpoint is disconnected from the network when a non-repairable virus is found and a suspicious file is found by the DNA scan.
Domain Name Displays the name of the domain to which the selected client logs in.
Group Name Displays the group name to which the selected client belongs.
User Name Displays the user name of endpoint.
Policy Displays the policy applied on the endpoint.
Virus DB Date (GMT+5:30) Displays VDB date along with Update time.
Last Connected Displays the date when the endpoint was last connected.
Last Scanned Displays the date when the endpoint was last scanned.
MAC Address Displays the MAC address of the endpoint.
Client Version Displays the installed EPS client version.
Operating System Displays the name of the operating system of the endpoint.

The following options help to customize and search the desired endpoints:

  • Columns: You can use this option to customize the status list as per column names.
  • Filter by: You can use this option to filter the status list according to the Operating Systems platforms, Endpoints with DLP, Endpoints without DLP and Clients Need Upgradation. The legend for Assigned DLP License and Assigned Update Agent Role are displayed for the respective endpoints.
  • Endpoint Name: You can use this option to search the endpoints with different parameters.

You can initiate client actions by selecting the endpoint. The list of client actions is OS specific.

To select all the endpoints from the list, select the check box in the header row.

To select an individual endpoint, select the check box in that row.

Viewing status of selected endpoint

To view status of an endpoint, click the name of the endpoint for which you want to view the status. The Endpoint Status page appears displaying detailed status of the endpoint. For more details, see Endpoint Status.

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