Online Installer

On this page, you can view available Client Installers. Minimal, Linux and Mac client Installers are available by default. You can download any of the Client installers if it matches your system requirements. Else you can create a new Client Installer for any OS.

The Online Installer will take you to next dialog to build Client Installer set up. This may take a longer time to download the Client Installer set up.

Creating the Windows Client Installer

To create a Windows Client Installer, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Create Client Installer button to create the Client Installer.
  2. In the Create Client Installer window, do the following.
  3. In the Create Installer tab, enter Installer name.
  4. A Default group is allocated to the Client Installer from the EPS Console groups list. You can select any other group. The selected group gets assigned to the Client Installer and the installed client through that Client Installer will move to the selected group of EPS Console.
  5. In OS platform list, select Windows.
  6. Select the setup type from Setup type list as per requirement.
EXE/32-bit for 32-bit Client Installer EXE/64-bit for 64-bit Client Installer Select EXE/32-bit or EXE/64-bit options to create the Installer as an executable file.
MSI/32-bit for 32-bit Client Installer MSI/64-bit for 64-bit Client Installer Select MSI/32-bit or MSI/64-bit options to create the Installer as a Microsoft installer package. These packages are useful in deploying the Seqrite clients through the following: · Active Directory group policies · Microsoft SMS server
  1. Specify if you want to include antivirus setup in Client Installer by selecting Yes or No.

    • Select Yes, if you want to include the antivirus setup in Client Installer. But you cannot distribute this Installer through email.
    • Select No, if you do not want to include the antivirus setup in Client Installer. This Installer can be distributed through email.
  2. Select the Validity Period. By default, the validity period is 30 days. The validity period is the number of days to use the installer. After the validity period, the installer expires.
  3. Enter the path of the installation folder in the Directory to Install text box.
  4. Enter the Public IP address.
  5. In the Proxy Settings tab, do the following. This information is optional.
  6. Select option YES if you want to use the Proxy Settings.
  7. In the Address text box, type the IP address of the proxy server or domain name (For example,
  8. In the Port text box, type the port number of the proxy server (For example: 80).
  9. Select the Require Authentication? check box to connect through the Proxy server. Username and Password fields are enabled.
  10. In the Username and Password text boxes, type in your proxy server credentials.
  11. In the Set Password tab, do the following.
  12. Select option YES if you want to create a password-protected Client Installer.
  13. Type in your password in the Enter Password and Confirm Password text boxes.
  14. Click Create.
    The Windows Client Installer is ready for download.

    Provide the password while extracting the client Installer if you have created a password-protected Client Installer.

Note: Password Protection is applicable only for EXE setup types for the Windows client.

Creating the Linux Client Installer

To create a Linux Client Installer, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Create Client Installer button to create the Client Installer.
  2. In the Create Client Installer window that opens, do the following.
  3. In the Create Installer tab, enter Installer name.
  4. A Default group is allocated to the Client Installer from the EPS Console groups list. You can select any other group. The selected group gets assigned to the Client Installer and the installed client through that Client Installer will move to the selected group of EPS Console.
  5. In OS platform list, select Linux.
  6. Select one of the following setup type from Setup type list as per requirement.

    • TAR/32 bit
    • TAR/64 BIT
  7. Specify if you want to include antivirus setup in Client Installer by selecting Yes or No.

    · Select Yes, if you want to include the antivirus setup in Client Installer. But you cannot distribute this Installer through email.

    · Select No, if you do not want to include the antivirus setup in Client Installer. This Installer can be distributed through email.

  8. Select the Validity Period. By default, the validity period is 30 days. The validity period is the number of days to use the installer. After the validity period, the installer expires.
  9. The Directory to Install text box is not editable. The default path appears in the text box.
  10. Enter the Public IP address.
  11. Click Create.
    The Linux Client Installer is ready for download.

Provide the password while extracting the client Installer if you have created a password-protected Client Installer.

Creating the Mac Client Installer

To create a Mac Seqrite Client Installer, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Create Client Installer button to create the Client Installer.
  2. In the Create Client Installer window that opens, do the following.
  3. In the Create Installer tab, enter Installer name.
  4. A Default group is allocated to the Client Installer from the EPS Console groups list. You can select any other group. The selected group gets assigned to the Client Installer and the installed client through that Client Installer will move to the selected group of EPS Console.
  5. In OS platform list, select Mac. The Setup Type list is disabled.
  6. Specify if you want to include antivirus setup in Client Installer by selecting Yes or No.

    • Select Yes, if you want to include the antivirus setup in Client Installer. But you cannot distribute this Installer through email.
    • Select No, if you do not want to include the antivirus setup in Client Installer. This Installer can be distributed through email.
  7. Select the Validity Period. By default, the validity period is 30 days. The validity period is a number of days to use the installer. After the validity period, the installer expires.
  8. The Directory to Install text box is not editable. The default path appears in the text box.
  9. Enter the Public IP address.
  10. In the Set Password tab, do the following.
  11. Select option YES if you want to create a password-protected Client Installer.
  12. Type in your password in the Enter Password and Confirm Password text boxes.
  13. Click Create.
    The Mac Client Installer is ready for download.

Provide the password while extracting the client Installer if you have created a password-protected Client Installer.

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