EPS 8.2 to EPP 8.3 Upgrade

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Seqrite Endpoint Protection (EPP) is an integrated solution for managing and regulating multiple Endpoint Protection products across different geographical locations. IT administrators can easily connect to the server from any location to view the latest security status, configure product policies, receive notifications, and address critical network events from a single dashboard.


This guide is for users upgrading from version 8.2 to version 8.3. The upgrade provides users with comprehensive features and ensures a seamless transition of version 8.2 data.

Server Upgrade

This section provides information on upgrading from v8.2 to v8.3 in the server environment. For help or support during the upgrade process, refer to the product documentation or contact Support.


  1. Product Key Conversion: To convert the product key from version 8.2 to version 8.3 for activation, contact the Support team.
  2. Ensure v8.2 Service Pack (version 0.1) Installation: The service pack must be installed on the Server before starting the upgrade process for v8.3 Server.
  3. Disk Space Requirements:
    • Download: At least 20 GB disk space must be available.
    • Installation: At least 16 GB disk space must be available. (Ubuntu 22.04)


    • Users can directly upgrade to 8.3 from 8.2. However, users on versions 8.0 and 8.1 need a backup and restore process to transition to 8.2.
      • For upgrading from 8.0 to 8.3 or a server already migrated from 8.0 to 8.2, follow these steps:
        • Post migration to 8.2 via backup and restore from 8.0, perform a client major upgrade.
        • After upgrading all clients on the 8.2 server to CA v10.9, perform the 8.3 server upgrade by installing the downloaded 8.3 server upgrade pack.
  4. A manual upgrade from version 8.2.1 to 8.3 is necessary, as Service Pack 0.1 has been applied and integrated.
  5. Offline Server: An offline upgrade is possible; however, offline key reactivation is required. Contact the Support Team to activate the offline key.
  6. Non-Complaint: After the 8.2 to 8.3 upgrade, the Host Integrity policy requires all clients to have version 10.11. Any client earlier than 10.11 will show as non-compliant.

How to Upgrade to EPP 8.3 Server

The upgrade process is executed from the 8.2 server console. Verify that all prerequisites are fulfilled before beginning the installation to upgrade to EPP 8.3 Server.
Note: When an upgrade is available, a toaster message notification will appear on the console with a Download button or Copy Link option. There are two methods available for upgrading:

  • Automatic Upgrade
  • Manual Upgrade

Automatic Upgrade

  1. Select the header notification on the 8.2 server console to download the upgrade for 8.3 Server.
    • If unable to download, select Copy URL for Offline Download. Manual upgrade assistance is available from the Support Team.
  2. Once the download is complete, a header notification will appear to initiate installation.
  3. Select Install. A pop-up will appear to proceed with installation.
  4. Click OK. (Note: Installation may take approximately 20 seconds to begin.)
  5. Installation starts, and the 8.2 server console page will reroute to the maintenance page. Access to the console will be unavailable until the upgrade completes.
  6. After a successful upgrade, the user will be redirected to the EPP 8.3 console and can log in with v8.2 credentials.
    Note: In case of upgrade failure, the previous data remains unchanged. The user will be redirected to the v8.2 server login page with a failure message. The server will auto-reinitiate the upgrade attempt after 24 hours.

Manual Upgrade

  1. Access the following path to get the upgrade pack:
  2. Log in to the server machine as root using Vsphere, MobaXterm, or a physical machine.
  3. Place the upgradepack.sh script on the server machine.
  4. Copy the upgradepack.sh file to /opt/Seqrite_EndPoint_Security/deployment/clientpackager/upgradepack.
  5. Set permissions for upgradepack.sh to 644 (e.g., chmod 644 upgradepack.sh).
  6. Ensure that the sp0.1 service pack is installed before applying upgradepack.sh.
  7. Execute bash upgradepack.sh from the terminal/console. Execute the script from /opt/Seqrite_EndPoint_Security/deployment/clientpackager/upgradepack/.
  8. Once executed, avoid human interaction (e.g., interrupting with ctrl+c or ctrl+z).

    • After a successful upgrade, the user will be redirected to the EPP 8.3 console and can log in with EPS 8.2 credentials.
    • Check the execution status of upgradepack.sh in the logs located at /opt/Seqrite_EndPoint_Security/log/upgradePacklogs.txt.
    • In case of upgrade failure, the previous data remains unchanged. The user will be redirected to the EPS 8.2 server login page. Check the failure status in /opt/Seqrite_EndPoint_Security/log/upgradeLogsTestStatus.txt.

Client Upgrade

This section covers upgrading clients from v8.2 with Client Agent (CA) version 10.9 to EPP 8.3 CA 10.11 version.
Note: Upgrade is available for Windows and Linux clients only.

How to Upgrade to Windows Client

  1. Log in to the console page.
  2. Go to the Client Status page.
  3. Select the endpoint for upgrade.
  4. From the Client Action option list, select Upgrade Client.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. A reboot prompt appears. Reboot the system to avoid upgrade failure.
    The client is now upgraded to EPP 8.3 CA (10.11) successfully. View and verify status logs in the Action log section.
    Note: Reboot the system promptly to finalize the antivirus (AV) installation for optimal efficiency.

How to Upgrade to Linux Client

  1. On the console, go to the Client Status page.
  2. Select the endpoint for upgrade.
  3. From the Client Action list options, select Upgrade Client.
  4. Click Submit.
    The client is now upgraded to EPP 8.3 CA (10.11) successfully. View and verify status logs in the Action log section.
    Note: Upgrade supports Linux 64-bit only.

How to Upgrade to Mac Client

Upgrade for Mac clients is currently unavailable. Users must reinstall the Mac client and upgrade it to the latest version.

How to Upgrade to Patch Management Server

Before upgrading Patch Management services:

  • Administrators must upgrade from version 8.2 to 8.3 server to access the 8.3 Patch Management Server features.
    • Users need to upgrade both the Patch Management server and the client to access the updated Patch Management feature. Feature functionality will remain unchanged.
    • Ensure both the Patch Management server and the endpoints are upgraded to the latest 8.3 version after the server upgrade.


    • Post patch management server upgrade, re-add the latest patch server to the upgraded EPP 8.3 console.
    • Perform patch sync and reconfigure the updated Patch server to the defined policies to use the Patch Management feature.
    • Perform patch scan and patch install on the registered endpoints.

Update Agent Upgrade

To upgrade the Update Agent to version 8.3:

  • Ensure all operating system host files include the hostname and IP address of the Update Agent for seamless installation.
  • Users with earlier client versions can upgrade their server from 8.2 to 8.3. After upgrading, the Update Agent will download updates for both 8.2 and 8.3 clients across Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms.

Standalone Update Manager Upgrade

Install the latest 8.3 standalone Update Manager to distribute updates to the configured endpoints. This Update Manager downloads updates for both 8.2 and 8.3 clients across Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms.

EPP 8.3 Feature Upgrade

With the upgrade from version 8.2 to 8.3, the following feature updates are included:

  • New UI, theme, and rebranding changes.
  • For EDR key users, OPE is enabled instead of MISSP & Live Query.
  • Policy configuration will appear in the Configuration tab.
  • Enhanced security with password protection for skipping Boot Scans.
  • Encryption toggler for better control.
  • Enhanced DLP regex in DLP policies.

To learn more about the latest EPP 8.3 features, visit the Seqrite Endpoint Protection – Product Documentation.

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