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Adding or Importing a List of Attribute Values

Device Posture allows or denies access to the applications based on a Device Posture (DP) Rule. You can create a Device Posture Rule with the following supported attribute lists:

  • IPv4 Address
  • IPv6 Address
  • MAC Address
  • Hostname
  • Domain Joined
  • Serial Number

To create a list of attributes, follow these steps:

  1. On the Add List page, provide a List Name.
  2. Select the List Type.
  3. Provide Description if any.
  4. After selecting the List Type in step no. 3, you can add the data by clicking the Add button located at the upper-right corner of the list. You can attach a file to provide the attribute list data. It is recommended to download a template and re-upload it by adding record values. If any record value is added in the first row shall be ignored.
  5. Note
    While uploading a list, all the entries are added in the first column only.

  6. Click Next. The Attribute List page appears. You can use the search feature on this page, to look up specific attributes.
  7. Click Add.
  8. A message ‘Attribute List is successfully added.’ on successful addition of the Attribute List.

Actions available with Attributes

When you hover over each attribute record, the following options appear on the right side next to the Last Edited On column.

Action Icon Action Label Description
Edit Edit To edit the details of the attribute.
Delete Delete To delete the attribute.
right arrow Side bar To view the details of the attribute in the right panel.

Click the Attribute to view the details in the right pane as follows,

right arrow

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