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The Device Management Page displays the list of Devices on which the Seqrite ZTNA Agent is installed, in a tabular format as follows,

Device List

Column Name Description
Device Name Device name on which the Seqrite ZTNA Agent is installed.
Mapped Users Users mapped to the device.
Device Status Device Status – Online/Offline.
Agent Status Seqrite ZTNA Agent Status – Enabled, Disabled.
Version Seqrite ZTNA Agent Version
OS Edition Operating System Edition on the device on which the Agent is installed.
Last Active Seqrite ZTNA Agent Last Active Timestamp.

To export the device list, click Export.

The following quick filters are available for searching devices from the Device List.

Device List Filter

In the device list, each device record is clickable. On clicking, the right panel appears and shows the following details,

Device Management Right Panel

Device Mapping

This feature allows administrators to map specific devices to end users, restricting application access to authorized users on designated devices.
To enable Device-to-User Mapping, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Device Mapping" toggle button in the top right corner of the devices page.
    Device List with Mapping Toggle
  2. A confirmation message will appear as follows. Click "Ok" to proceed.
    Confirm Mapping
  3. After clicking "Ok," the mapped user column will display the name of the logged-in user as the mapped user.

    You can edit Device-User mapping by 3 ways.

    1. Select the checkbox next to the devices you want to map to users.
      Select Device for Mapping
      After selecting the checkbox(es), the "Edit Device-User Mapping" button will become visible. Click it.
    2. Click on the device record to open the right panel. Once opened, locate the "Edit User Mapping" button and click it.
    3. Hover over the device record to access the "Edit User Mapping" option, then click it.
  4. A modal will appear after any click event triggered by the above three methods, displaying the selected devices.
  5. Clicking the text area underneath the “Add New User” label will show a list of users. From there, select the desired user and proceed to click the “Add+” button.
  6. You will see a list of all the added users common to all selected devices under the label "Added common device users."
  7. Review the mappings and click "Save" to save all the mappings.

You can edit user mapping from two places:

When you disable this feature, devices will no longer be mapped with logged-in users allowing all users to access applications from those devices without restrictions.

Action Log Tab

The Action Log Tab displays the list of actions performed on the Seqrite ZTNA Agent, in a tabular format as follows,

Action Logs

Column Name Description
Device Name Device name on which the Seqrite ZTNA Agent action is performed.
Initiated By Who initiated the Agent action – System/User Name.
Action An action performed on the Agent – Uninstall/Upgrade/Enable/Disable.
Status The status of the action taken against the Agent Sent/Pending/Successful/Cancelled/Fail/Expired.
Last Updated Action and Status change Timestamp.

To export the action logs in CSV format, click Export.

The following quick filters are available for searching action records from the Action Logs.

Action Logs Filter

In the action logs list, each action log record is clickable. On clicking, the right panel appears and shows the following details,

Action Log Right Panel

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