Client Packager

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Client Packager can compress the Seqrite client setup and update files into a self-extracting file to simplify delivery through email, CD-ROM, or similar media. It also includes an email function that can open your default email client and allow you to send the package from the Client Packager tool. The Client Packager can also be created for the Clients outside the organizational network using the Minimal option.

In Seqrite Endpoint Security 7.6, Client Packager can be created with or without the Seqrite installer and also with MSI-based Client Packager. The Client agent installer including Seqrite installer is helpful in situations where there are network bandwidth limitations to download the Seqrite installer from the Endpoint Security server. In such cases, you can create the Client agent installer including the Seqrite installer and burn into a CD/DVD or copy it to a USB removable disk for deployment on endpoints. But, the Client Packager with the installer cannot be distributed through email.

When users receive the package, they should double-click the setup program to start the installation. The Seqrite clients installed through Client Packager starts communicating with the Seqrite Endpoint Security server.

The Seqrite clients installed through Client Packager out of organizational network, communicate with Seqrite Endpoint Security server by using roaming service.

Creating the Windows Seqrite Client Packager

To create a Windows Seqrite Client package, follow these steps:

  1. On the Seqrite Endpoint Security server, go to Start > Programs > Seqrite EPS Console > Client Packager.
  2. In Client Agent Package list, select Custom.
    If Minimal is selected, then the Validity period check box is enabled, but other options on the page gets disabled. The validity period check box helps you to provide a stipulated number of days to use the installer. After the validity period, the installer expires.
    The Minimal option is selected to send the Client Packager outside the organizational network through email.
    The Client Packager created with installer cannot be sent through email because of the email attachment size limitation.
  3. In OS platform list, select Windows.
  4. Select the setup type from Setup type list as per requirement.
Client Packager Description
EXE/32-bit for 32-bit Client Packager EXE/64-bit for 64-bit Client Packager Select EXE/32-bit or EXE/64-bit options to create the packager as an executable file.
MSI/32-bit for 32-bit Client Packager MSI/64-bit for 64-bit Client Packager Select MSI/32-bit or MSI/64-bit options to create the packager as a Microsoft installer package. These packages are useful in deploying the Seqrite clients through the following: · Active Directory group policies · Microsoft SMS server
  1. Specify if you want to include antivirus setup in Client Packager by selecting Yes or No.
    • Select Yes, if you want to include the antivirus setup in Client Packager. But you cannot distribute this packager through email.
    • Select No, if you do not want to include the antivirus setup in Client Packager. This packager can be distributed through email.
      6.Default group is allocated to the Client Packager from the EPS Console groups list.
      The selected group gets assigned to the Client Packager and the installed client through that Client Packager will move to the selected group of EPS Console.
      7.Click Browse to specify the folder path where you want to save Seqrite Client Packager.
      8.Select the Select this check box to specify public IP address/Hostname of EPS server for deployment of clients at remote locations check box. Type the Public IP address or Hostname of the EPS server.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify if you want to create a password protected Client Packager by selecting Yes or No.
    • If you select Yes, password dialog appears. Do the following:
      1. Type the password and then click OK.
      2. Use a password that has at least 6 characters and maximum 18 characters. While creating the password use combination of number, uppercase letter, lowercase letter and special symbol.
      3. In the Confirmation Password box, enter the password.
      4. Click OK. A password protected Client Packager is created.
      5. Provide the password while extracting the client packager.
    • If you select No, Client Packager without password protection is created.

Password Protection is applicable only for EXE setup types for the Windows client.

Creating the Mac Seqrite Client Packager

To create a Mac Seqrite Client package, follow these steps:

  1. On the Seqrite Endpoint Security server, go to Start > Programs > Seqrite EPS Console > Client Packager.

  2. In the Client Agent Package list, select Custom.

  3. In the OS platform list, select Mac.

  4. Specify whether you want to include antivirus setup in Client Packager by selecting Yes or No from Antivirus setup included list.

    • Select Yes if you want to include the antivirus setup in Client Packager. However, you cannot distribute this installer through email.
    • Select No if you do not want to include the antivirus setup in Client Packager. This installer can be distributed through email.
  5. A Default group is allocated to the Client Packager from the EPS Console groups list. The selected group gets assigned to the Client Packager and the installed client through that Client Packager will move to the selected group of EPS Console.

  6. Download the Mac Client build from one of the following links:

  7. To provide path of downloaded build, click Browse.

  8. Select folder in which the mclsetp.7z is downloaded. By default, the mclsetp.7z is downloaded in the Downloads folder. Click Ok.

  9. Click Create.

    • If you select Yes to include antivirus in the client packager, a MCCLAGAV.TAR file is created in the acmac folder.
    • If you select No to create the client packager without antivirus, a MCCLAGNT.TAR file is created in the acmac folder.
  10. On the Mac endpoint you need to copy and extract any of the above created TAR file and Run the MCLAGNT.DMG file from the extracted folder to install Seqrite EPS Mac Client.

When the administrator downloads MCCLAGNT.TAR from the link provided in the email for ‘Notify Install’, the setup will be downloaded from the ACMAC folder of SEPS server.

For roaming endpoints with MAC OS, only Custom client packager can be used for installing SEPS client.

Creating the Linux Seqrite Client Packager

To create a Linux Seqrite Client packager, follow these steps:

  1. On the Seqrite Endpoint Security server, go to Start > Programs > Seqrite EPS Console > Client Packager.

  2. In the Client Agent Package list, select Custom.

  3. In the OS platform list, select Linux.

  4. Select Setup type as 32 bit or 64 bit from the drop-down list as per the endpoint configuration. The window displays the 32 bit or 64 bit links to download tar file as per your selection.

  5. Download the tar file from any of the following links,

    For 32-Bit,

    For 64-Bit,

  6. Click Browse and select the downloaded folder.

  7. Click Create to create the client packager.

The packager will be created as per your selection of Setup type in the following folders:

For 32 bit –

" Seqrite\Endpoint Security 7.60\Admin\web\build\epslin32"

For 64 bit –

" Seqrite\Endpoint Security 7.60\Admin\web\build\epslin64".

To install the Client Agent:

  1. Copy and extract the client packager on the Linux system.

  2. For 32 bit, LinuxSetup32 is created. For 64 bit, LinuxSetup64 is created.

  3. Linux Client packager, LinuxSetup32/LinuxSetup64 contains the following files as per the endpoint configuration:

    • readme.txt
    • install
    • clagnt.ini
    • epslin32.tar.gz or epslin64.tar.gz
  4. On the command prompt, type chmod 777 install command to grant execute permission to “install” script.

  5. Execute install script.

Sending the package through email

You need to have the default email client installed to use the Client Packager email function.

Sending a minimal Client Packager

To send Client Packager from the server through an email for out of network usage, follow these steps:

  1. On the Seqrite Endpoint Security server, go to Start > Programs > Seqrite EPS Console > Client Packager.
  2. In the Client Agent Package list, select Minimal. Few options on the page become disabled.
  3. Default group is selected by default under which the client will be managed after installation.
  4. Click Browse to specify the folder path where you have saved the Seqrite Client Packager.
  5. Click Send Mail. The default email client will open. The email with the default subject and message appears. However, you can make changes to the subject and message, if required.
  6. In the To field, specify the recipients of this package. If required, you can also mark your email to other recipients in your organization in the Cc or Bcc recipients.
  7. Click Send.

Sending a custom Client Packager

To send Client Packager from the server through an email for internal network, follow these steps:

  1. On the Seqrite Endpoint Security server, go to Start > Programs > Seqrite EPS Console > Client Packager.
  2. In the Client Agent Package list, select Custom.
  3. Default group is selected by default under which the client will be managed after installation.
  4. Click Browse to specify the folder path where you have saved the Seqrite Client Packager.
  5. Click Send Mail. The default email client will open. The email with the default subject and message appears. However, you can make changes to the subject and message, if required.
  6. In the To field, specify the recipients of this package. If required, you can also mark your email to other recipients in your organization in the Cc or Bcc recipients.
  7. Click Send.

The Send Mail button will remain disabled for Mac Client Packager and Client Agent installer including Seqrite installer option.

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