Remote Install

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This feature allows you to deploy Seqrite client on all supported Windows operating systems (OS). You can also install Seqrite client on multiple endpoints at a time. Before proceeding with Remote Install, it is recommended that you go through the following requirements and changes:

Exception Rules

  • On Windows Vista and later operating systems, remote installation is possible only with ‘Built-in Administrator’ account. To enable ‘Built-in Administrator’ account on endpoints running Windows Vista (or later), follow these steps:

    1. Open Command Prompt in administrative mode.
    2. Type ‘net user administrator /active: yes’ and press Enter.
    3. Change the password of ‘Built-in Administrator’ from Control Panel > User Accounts.
  • For remote installation of Seqrite Endpoint Security Client on Windows XP Professional Edition, follow these steps:

    1. Open My Computer.
    2. Go to Tools > Folder.
    3. Click the View tab.
    4. Clear the option Use simple file sharing.
    5. Click Apply and then click OK.
  • Remote installation of Seqrite is not supported on Windows XP Home Edition. To install the Seqrite client on Windows XP Home Edition, other methods of installation can be used, such as; Notify Install, Login Script, and Client Packager provided in Seqrite Endpoint Security.
  • Remote Install is not supported with the users having blank passwords on Windows XP and later operating systems.
  • To install Seqrite Client on the computers which are under Domain Controller, specify the user name in ‘DOMAINNAME\User Name’ format where DOMAINNAME is the name of the Domain Controller and User Name is the name of the Domain Administrator.

For Remote Install, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console.
  2. Go to Clients > Client Deployment > Remote Install. The Remote Install page opens.
  3. You can initiate remote installation in any one of the following ways:

    • Remote Installation by computers

      1. Under Network Places, select an endpoint, and then click Add. You can select multiple number of endpoints. You can also search an endpoint by the Find computer utility. Any endpoint in your network can be searched without enumerating the network. For adding an endpoint, you are required to provide the user credentials of the target endpoint, having administrator rights.
      2. On the Enter Network Password dialog, type the user credentials of the target endpoint and then click OK. Repeat these steps for all the endpoints that you have selected. If the entered user credentials are correct, the target endpoints appear in the endpoints selected to protect list. In case, if you forget or provide an incorrect user credentials of an endpoint, you can click the Skip button and move to the next endpoint and provide its user credentials.
    • Remote Installation by IP Address
    1. Click the Add by IP Address button (you need not select any computer from the Network Places list).
    2. On the Add Computer by IP Address dialog, select either of the following options:

      • Add by IP Address Range: If you select this option, you must provide a range of IP Addresses in the Start IP Address option and the End IP Address option. This is helpful if you want to install the Seqrite client on a number of endpoints which are available in serial IP Address range at one go.
      • Add by IP Address: If you select this option, you need to provide the IP Address of the target endpoint.
  4. Select a group under which the client will be managed after installation. By default, default group is selected.
  5. Click Next. For all the endpoints on which you want to install the client, you must provide the user credentials using the User Accounts option.
  6. For User Accounts under Add Computer by IP Address, click Add. The Add User dialog appears.
  7. On the Add User dialog, type the user credentials and then click OK. Repeat this for all the computers on which you want to install the client.
  8. On the User Accounts list, click Finish. All the endpoints are added to the Endpoints selected to protect the list.
  9. Click Install.

The installation status of Seqrite client agents can be viewed through View Installation Status link.

  • The Remote Install feature is available only in the clients with Windows operating systems.
  • Remote Install is not supported through roaming service.

Viewing installation status

When deploying Seqrite client with help of remote installation process, you can keep track of client installation with the help of View Installation Status link. You can get more information about installation from Results column. At any instance, you can visit Remote Installation Status page and refresh the page to get latest installation status of multiple endpoints.

This page also provides an option to stop the installation. The installation can be stopped for those endpoints, on which installation has not yet started and is in pending state. You cannot stop the installation which is in progress state.

To view installation status, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console.
  2. Go to Clients > Client Deployment > Remote Install. The Remote Install page appears.
  3. Click View Installation Status link. Remote Installation Status page appears. The page shows following columns:

    • Endpoint Name: Shows names of the endpoints.
    • Domain: Shows domain names.
    • Date/Time: Shows the installation status date and time.
    • Group Name: Shows the group name.
    • Result: Shows installation status. If any installation fails, its reason is also displayed.

    The page also shows different buttons as follows:

    • Refresh: On refresh, the latest result of client installation on multiple endpoints is displayed.
    • Stop Installation: Stops the pending installation, which is not actually started. You cannot stop the installation which is in progress.
    • Reinitiate Install: Reinitiates the installation in case of failed, pending or stopped client installation.
    • Clear: This option helps to clear the installation information from the Result column about successful, failed, and stopped client installation.
    • Close: It closes the installation status page.
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