Importing and Exporting groups and policies

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Importing groups and policies

This feature allows you to import entire groups and policies assigned to them from one EPS server to another. The groups’ data is downloaded to a .db file when you export the groups. You must copy that file to another server and use the import option for groups.
To import groups, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console.
  2. Go to Clients > Manage Groups.
  3. Click the Import button.
  4. Select the file which is exported previously. The Import Setting dialog appears. Select policies you want to import. You can select all policies also.
  5. Click Import.
  6. While exporting the policy, if you have clicked Yes in the Manage Groups dialog, the Import dialog appears. Click Yes or No. If you click Yes, all customized settings along with USB device authorization will be imported. You will be able to use imported authorized USB devices on these EPS Server clients.
    Please note, before importing, ensure to unauthorize all previously authorized USB devices. If you do not unauthorize, the devices will be unusable.
    If you click No, all customized settings except USB device authorization will be imported.
    The groups and policies assigned to them are imported and a message is displayed as follows: File imported successfully.

The policy is not imported if the inherited policy with the same name exists.
Policies which are not assigned to any group are not exported or imported from Manage Groups page. Those policies can be exported or imported by using Export or Import option on Clients > Manage Policies page.

Exporting groups and policies

This feature allows you to export groups and policies assigned to them from one EPS server to another. This is helpful when you need to move groups from one EPS server to another or in case of reinstallation. The data is downloaded to a .db file. You must copy that file to another server and use the import option to import groups and policies assigned to them.

To export groups and policies assigned to them, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console.
  2. Go to Clients > Manage Groups.
  3. Click Export.
  4. If the USB device is added and encrypted in Admin Settings > Server > Manage Devices, Manage Groups dialog appears. Click Yes or No.
    If you click Yes, all customized settings along with USB device authorization will be exported. You will be able to use exported authorized USB devices on another EPS Server clients.
    Please note, this will deny access to previously authorized devices on the server, on which the policy will be imported.
    If you click No, all customized settings except USB device authorization will be exported.
  5. Select the drive and folder in which you want to store the policy.
  6. Click Save.

The file containing groups and policies assigned to them is saved.

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