Resetting Web console password

This section explains how reset the Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console password.

You can reset the web console password using any of the following methods:

  • Use the ‘Forgot Password’ link
  • Use the Password Reset tool

Resetting the Web console password with Forgot Password link

To reset the Web console password, follow these steps:

  1. In the Account Login window, click Forgot Password link.
  2. In the Reset Password window, enter username.
  3. Click the Send Recovery Email button to generate temporary password. The Temporary Password will be sent to your registered email ID.
  4. In the Temporary Password text box, enter the temporary password.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. In the new window, in the New Password and Confirm Password boxes, type the password to reset your password.
  7. Click Submit.
    You can log on the Web console with new password.


If SMTP settings are not configured, user can reset the password using the Password Reset tool.

Resetting the Web console password with Password Reset tool

To reset the Web console password with Password Reset tool, the user should have administrative privilege on the machine where EPS is installed.
To reset the Web console password, follow these steps:

  1. Go to < installation directory>/ Admin/resetpwd.exe. "installation directory" indicates the path where Seqrite Endpoint Security has been installed.
  2. Execute the file resetpwd.exe.
  3. In the Console Password Reset Tool window, either enter Windows Host name\administrator user and password or you can select hostname\administrator from the drop down list.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the new window, in the New Password and Confirm Password boxes, type the password to reset your password.
  6. Click Change Password.
    You can log on the Web console with new password.

Number of login attempts allowed are limited to 6. After 6 unsuccessful attempts, the user account will be locked for 6 hours.

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