Data-At-Rest Scan

With this feature you can search for a particular type of data in various formats and detect any confidential data that is present in your endpoints and removable devices.

To know more, see Data-At-Rest Scan.

To perform Data-At-Rest scan, you must enable DLP on the endpoints. To do this, see Enabling DLP feature.

To create a policy for Data-At-Rest Scan, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console .
  2. Go to Settings > Schedule Settings > Data-At-Rest Scan.
  3. Select Enable Schedule Scan and set the frequency and time for the scan.You can choose to Repeat Scan and Notify if client is offline.
  4. Select minutes to run the Scheduled Scan only within specified minutes from the scheduled time. The option is selected by default.
  5. Select a scan mode from the following:
    • Quick Scan (Scan Drive where operating system is installed)
    • Full System Scan (Scan all the fixed drives)
    • Scan Specific Folder(s): Select this option to scan a particular folder(s).
      1. Click Configure.
      2. Enter the path of the folder that you want to scan.You can also choose to scan the subfolders by selecting the Include Subfolder check box.
      3. Click Add.You can also remove a path from the list by clicking Remove.
      4. Click Apply.
  6. The Scan Priority is Low by default. You can change the priority if required.
  7. Configure the settings for File Types, Confidential Data, and User Defined Dictionary.
  8. To save your setting, click Save Policy.
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