The patch scan checks for the missing patches of the installed products and operating system on the client machine. After the check is complete, the result is generated.
To create a policy for patch scan, follow these steps:
- Log on to the Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console .
- Go to Settings > Schedule Settings > Patch Scan.
- Select the Enable Automatic Patch Scan check box and set the frequency and time for the scan.You may also select Notify if client is offline.
- Select minutes to run the Scheduled Scan only within specified minutes from the scheduled time. The option is selected by default.
- In the Patch Install Settings section, select the Automatic Install missing software patches with severity level equal to or more than: check box and then select the severity level from the list.
- Select the Allow auto-restart the system check box.
- To exclude endpoints from installing the patches, click the click here link. Exclusion for Patch Install dialog appears.
- You can select the Exclude endpoints having Server OS in an EPS network check box if required.
- Select the Exclude below endpoints check box.
- Enter endpoint name or IP.
- Click Add. The endpoint details appear. You can remove the endpoint. To remove, select the endpoint from the list and click Remove.
- Click Apply.
- To save your setting, click Save Policy.