Vulnerability Scan

Vulnerability Scan

This feature helps you schedule vulnerability scan for the clients so that the clients are scanned for possible vulnerabilities. This scan helps for vulnerability assessment of the operating system on the client.

To create a policy for Vulnerability Scan, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console.
  2. Go to Settings > Schedule Settings > Vulnerability Scan.
  3. Configure the following settings: Vulnerability Scan and Scan and Report.
  4. To save your setting, click Save Policy.

You can revert to the default settings whenever you prefer by clicking the Default button.

The Vulnerability Scan feature is available only in the clients with Windows operating systems.

Scheduling Vulnerability Scan

This feature helps you define schedules to initiate vulnerability scan of the clients as per your convenience.

To schedule Vulnerability Scan, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console.
  2. Go to Settings > Schedule Settings > Vulnerability Scan.
  3. Under Vulnerability Scan, select the Enable Schedule Scan check box.
  4. In Weekday, select a day of the week.
  5. In Start At, set time in hours and minutes.
  6. If you want to repeat scanning, select Repeat Scan and then set the frequency after what interval the scan should be repeated.
  7. To get notification when a client is offline, select Notify if client is off-line.
  8. Select minutes to run the Scheduled Scan only within specified minutes from the scheduled time. The option is selected by default.

Scan and Report

Under Scan and Report, select any of the following:

  • Microsoft applications and other vendor applications
  • Microsoft applications only
  • Other vendor applications only
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